Spiced Cranberry Hot Toddy Recipe

November 24, 2014

A new post from She Wears Many Hats.

A story and a Spiced Cranberry Hot Toddy Recipe.

Each year we head out as a family to hunt down the perfect Christmas tree. We’re lucky to live close to several Frasier Fir farms where you can go and cut-your-own, so we make a day of it. Randy is back today to share about last year’s Christmas tree hunt, and there’s a recipe to follow for a Spiced Cranberry Hot Toddy that will make the end of any day out and about whether shopping for socks, or a tree most wonderful. Take it away, Randy!

This Spiced Cranberry Hot Toddy is the perfect drink to enjoy at the end of a chilly day and will have your home smelling wonderful!

We all piled in the truck on a mission to find the perfect Christmas tree. Our smartphones guided us to a beautiful small family farm with smart rows of Frasier Firs planted on gently rolling hills. Unfortunately, we soon learned that this lovely farm was sold out of all but the short ones. The nice folks there gave us directions to another local farm with taller trees about a mile away. So, we made our way back to the truck and headed up the windy, hilly, one-lane dirt road to a new destination.(…)
Read the rest of Spiced Cranberry Hot Toddy Recipe

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Post Categories: Appetizers & Beverages, Recipes, Yum-Yum
Post tags: Christmas cocktail, cinnamon, cocktail, cranberries, cranberry drink, cranberry juice, holidays cocktails, hot toddy recipe, spices, toddy

The post Spiced Cranberry Hot Toddy Recipe appeared first on She Wears Many Hats.