Guest Post | Beyond Frosting – Blueberry Peach Spritzer

August 14, 2015

This Blueberry Peach Spritzer is simple a homemade cocktail to enjoy with family and friends this summer. A blueberry syrup is combined with peach juice concentrate and mixed with Prosecco or seltzer.

Hi everyone! It’s Julianne from Beyond Frosting. I am excited to be here today to be sharing this Blueberry Peach Spritzer. Recently, Naturipe invited me to participate in the #EatTheRainbow challenge and I was asked to create a drink recipe featuring blueberries. I am the final blogger to share a recipe as part of the challenge. There has been breakfast, dessert and even dinner featuring a variety of different berries. I am so impressed with what each one of them came up with!

Blueberry Peach Spritzer

When I think about summer berries, I always think about blueberries. As a child, we went blueberry picking whenever we went camping in the summer. We would always freeze a few gallons worth of blueberries, which we enjoyed all year round in pancakes and muffins.

I don’t traditionally think of blueberries when I think about a cocktail recipe. However, last summer I attended a dinner party at one of the attendees was a mixologist. She made the most amazing blueberry cocktail, and I forgot to get the recipe before I left. All I know is that there was blueberry syrup she used in the drink. This was the perfect opportunity to recreate my own blueberry cocktail at home!

Let me tell you a bit more about my Blueberry Peach Spritzer. First I prepared a simple, fresh blueberry syrup. To make the drink, I combine the syrup with some peach juice concentrate and topped it off with Prosecco. Now if you are looking for a virgin drink, this also works great with a little bit of seltzer as well.

The blueberry syrup is created by heating blueberries together with sugar and water. Once the juices start bubbling, give the blueberries a good smashing. To get a nice smooth sauce, you will want to use some type of food processor to blend it all together. Finally, I strained this with a fine sieve to get out any extra pulp. If the syrup ever becomes too thick to poor, simply add water one teaspoon at a time and mix into the syrup. This syrup will also keep in the refrigerator or a day or two, so you don’t have to enjoy it all at once.

Blueberry Peach Spritzer

It wouldn’t be a cocktail without a fancy garnish right? To create the simple garnish, grab a long toothpick and put some berries on it then drop in a small stem of fresh rosemary.

For the syrup:
• 6oz Blueberries
• 2 tbsp Sugar
• ¼ C Water
For the drink
• 2 tbsp Blueberry syrup
• ½ C Peach juice concentrate
• ½ C Prosecco or seltzer
• Rosemary for garnish

(1)  In a small saucepan, combine blueberries, sugar and water over medium heat. Once mixture starts to get warm, smash blueberries with a spatula. Cook over medium heat until mixture starts to boil. Remove from heat and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes.

(2) Use an immersion blender or empty mixture into food processor. Blend until mixture is smooth. Strain through a fine sieve to remove any excess pulp. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

(3) To make a cocktail, fill you glass with ice. Pour 2 tablespoons of blueberry syrup over the ice. Pour ½ cup peach juice followed with a ½ cup of Prosecco or seltzer water. Garnish with additional blueberries and a stick of rosemary.

If at any time the syrup is too thick, simple add water 1 teaspoon at a time to thin out. This will make 4-6 cocktails. You will get ½ C of blueberry syrup for this recipe.

Blueberry Peach Spritzer


Be sure to follow along, as you will be seeing a RAINBOW of delicious recipes on the Naturipe Farms Blog and on Social Media
