The goal of our Naturipe Charitable Giving Fund is to directly impact the children of farm workers in our growing regions across North and South America relating to health and education. We are proud of the contributions made to non-profit organizations, food banks, school districts and activities throughout our communities which indeed make significant influences to our extended growing family.

Michigan Blueberry Growers (MBG):

MBG worked with three worthwhile charitable organizations in Michigan:

Feeding America, a non-profit organization that dedicates itself to hunger-relief across the United States

Van Buren Intermediate School Districts 5th Annual Summer Migrant leadership/Mentoring Golf Outing, this program provides academic support to migrant children

The Young Americans Day Camp 

Hortifrut S.A:

Hortifrut collaborated with local non-profit organizations to help improve their communities in Chile:

The Mobile Dentist Project – We traveled more than 5,000 kilometers this 2016 year and turned our attention not only to children and workers of Hortifrut, but also all the people of the communities surrounding our fields.

Wireless Internet & Computer Assistance – Installed Wi-Fi internet and provided computers for employee & family use in the Virquenco Farm area (Concepcion, Los Angeles) which is characterized by seasonal fruit and vegetable crops. Hortifrut’s goal was to provide access to internet and computers to children and improve the local community’s digital literacy.

Continued Earthquake Assistance – To help with any unrepaired damage from 2010’s February 8.8 magnitude earthquake that still exists in Chile.

Naturipe Berry Growers

Naturipe Berry Growers partnered with local charities to help improve communities in Santa Barbara County, Ventura County and the Central Coast (Salinas/Monterey/Santa Cruz):

Dientes Community Dental Care, a traveling dental clinic has been funded to expand this non-profit’s dental treatment and prevention services.

Ag Against Hunger, a non-profit that provides nutritious, fresh, surplus produce from local produce fields.

Pajaro Valley Prevention & Student Assistance, a nonprofit dedicated to providing education, training, counseling, and preventive services for students, families and staffs in the Pajaro Valley United School District. By helping prevent crime behavior, gang involvement, truancy, and drug, alcohol and tobacco use, PVPSA improves the quality of life in the community and its schools.

Munger Farms

Munger Farms provided assistance to their local community of Delano, CA:

Earlimart Community Park– The community of Earlimart (near Delano, CA) is primarily made up of farm worker families, many who previously worked and/or currently work for Munger Farms. Currently, the local elementary and middle schools have the only real play areas for children in the town. When schools are closed, the playgrounds are locked. Munger’s team partnered with the Earlimart and Delano Rotary Clubs to build a community park that would include a children’s playground, plus BBQ and picnic areas.

Last year, Naturipe Farms and its grower-owner partners formed a Charitable Giving Fund with the intention to directly impact the children of migrant farm workers in our growing regions across
North and South America relating to health and education.

We are proud of the contributions made to non-profit organizations, food banks, school districts and activities throughout our communities which indeed made significant influences to our extended growing family.

The success of these actions made such a positive impact that we would like to invite you to join in on our efforts by participating in Naturipe’s Annual Charity Golf Classic. The funds raised from this Golf Tournament will increase our yearly philanthropic fund so that we can continue to make positive contributions to our many growing areas and workers’ families.