Bye Bye Soreness, Hello Blueberries

April 25, 2016

Summer is just around the corner and we know you are kicking it up a notch with your workouts! Unfortunately, intense exercise can sometimes result in muscle soreness.


A study by Breaking Muscle explains that “If you have ever become sore after an intense exercise session, then you have probably experienced what is known as exercise-induced muscle damage.”


No pain, no gain -right?


According to Breaking Muscle, we don’t always have to be in pain! There are foods that can help accelerate muscle repair and get us back into our groove. The Medical Daily says “A handful of blueberries may be what you need to recover from a hard workout.”


With that in mind, we’ve found a delicious post-workout snack from to keep you moving!

Frozen Blueberry Bites (1)