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Naturipe’s Charitable Giving Fund was created with the intention to directly impact children, especially those of farm workers, in our growing regions across North and South America and in ways relating to health and education. To date, our contributions have touched many young lives through our donations.

The success of these actions have made such a positive impact that we would like to invite you to join in our efforts by participating in our 6th Annual Charity Golf Classic. The funds raised from this golf tournament will increase our yearly philanthropic fund so that we can continue to make positive contributions to our many growing areas and workers’ families.

Bear’s Best Golf Course
Las Vegas, NV
November 15, 2018

NEW Host Hotel and Welcome Reception Location with Swag Giveaway –

Aria Hotel Logo

golf charity photos


The funds raised through this golf tournament will support Naturipe’s Charitable Giving Fund, which benefits the children of farm workers in our growing regions across North and South America. Now in its sixth year, the proceeds from this important event continue to touch many young lives with generous contributions to their health, wellness, and education.

We hope you are able to participate and enjoy a great day of golf with our Naturipe Farms Executive Staff, Grower-Owners and Purchasing Decision Makers from our partner companies:


Thank you for supporting our Charitable Giving efforts.

Contact: Charitable Golf Committee | | 831.443.2358

Naturipe 6th Annual Charity Golf Classic Committee:

Kriste Cortez

Laura Gonzalez

Janis McIntosh

Jaqueline Padilla



The funds raised through this golf tournament will support Naturipe’s Charitable Giving Fund, which benefits the children of farm workers in our growing regions across North and South America. Now in its sixth year, the proceeds from this important event continue to touch many young lives with generous contributions to their health, wellness, and education.


Thank you for supporting our Charitable Giving efforts.

Contact: Charitable Golf Committee | | 831.443.2358

Naturipe Annual Charity Golf Classic Committee:

Kriste Cortez

Laura Gonzalez

Janis McIntosh

Jaqueline Padilla

The success of these actions have made such a positive impact that we would like to invite you to join in our efforts by participating in Naturipe’s 6th Annual Charity Golf Classic. The funds raised from this Golf Tournament will increase our yearly philanthropic fund so that we can continue to make positive contributions to our many growing areas and workers’ families. Learn more about our Charitable Giving Fund.