Hello, I’m Sean Burles, a front-end developer with a BS in Graphic Design and over 14 years of experience creating interactive websites.
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WordPress Development: Custom themes, plugin development, CMS customization.
Content Management: Optimizing content workflows, improving website performance.
Statamic and Astro: Headless CMS, static site generation.
Integration: Connecting CMS with third-party tools (e.g., email platforms, e-commerce).
Multilingual Sites: Experience with Polylang and other translation tools.
Responsive Design: Creating layouts that work across all devices.
Sass/SCSS: Advanced CSS pre-processing, variables, and mixins for efficient styling.
Grid and Flexbox Layouts: Modern techniques for complex layouts.
Accessibility (a11y): Ensuring sites are usable by everyone.
CSS Animations and Transitions: Complex animations, hover effects, and loading states.
Bootstrap, Tailwind, Others
GSAP Animations: Creating smooth animations and scroll-triggered effects.
React, Vue.js: Basic components, state management.
Three.js: 3D animations and interactive elements.
Node.js/npm: Package management, JavaScript tooling.
API Integration: Fetching and displaying data dynamically.
AMP Google Stories: Visual story telling for the web.
Lottie Animations: Implementing animated SVGs.
GSAP Mastery: Advanced animation techniques, scroll-based effects.
Adobe After Effects: Creating custom animations and motion graphics.
Interactive Landing Pages: Animating elements on scroll, hover, and clicks.
Three.js for 3D Effects: Integrating WebGL animations.
SVG Animation: Animated illustrations, iconography, and graphical elements.
Adobe Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects.
Figma and Sketch: UI/UX design, prototyping, and wireframing.
Creative Direction: Guiding projects from concept to completion.
Video Editing: Lots of experience video editing.
User-Centric Design: Focusing on usability and aesthetics.
Typography and Color Theory: Strong sense for selecting typefaces and color schemes.

Contact Thanks!
I'm always up for interesting projects, side gigs, or even just a good chat about the latest in web development or whatever else! I have a full-time job, but I’m open to taking on some extra work to keep things fresh and exciting.
If you’re curious to see more of my work, I’ve got a portfolio I’d be happy to share—just reach out and ask!